23 Things is a suite of 23 self-paced online modules that cover …
23 Things is a suite of 23 self-paced online modules that cover a range of topics from video editing to basic coding. Each module or 'thing' consists of information, interactive activities, and invitations to try out various open and free software applications and technologies. The modules have been created using H5P and can be downloaded individually as a single H5P file, modified and re-used under a CC-BY-SA licence - simply click on the 'reuse' link at the bottom of each module.
The content was created by Curtin University students as part of a 'students as partners' project.
As an activity related to FOSS unit Magnetism and Electricity, 4th grade …
As an activity related to FOSS unit Magnetism and Electricity, 4th grade science students use a computer download to explore electrical circuits and to generate illustrations of electrical circuits for physical models built in class
An essential and practical text for both students and teachers of AC …
An essential and practical text for both students and teachers of AC electrical circuit analysis, this text picks up where the companion DC electric circuit analysis text leaves off. Beginning with basic sinusoidal functions, ten chapters cover topics including series, parallel, and series-parallel RLC circuits. Numerous theorems and analysis techniques are examined including superposition, Thévenin's theorem, nodal and mesh analysis, maximum power transfer and more. Other important topics include AC power, resonance, Bode plots and an introduction to three-phase systems. Each chapter begins with a set of chapter objectives and includes a summary and review questions. A total of over 500 end-of-chapter exercises are included. A companion laboratory manual is available.
Student groups create working radios by soldering circuit components supplied from AM …
Student groups create working radios by soldering circuit components supplied from AM radio kits. By carrying out this activity in conjunction with its associated lesson concerning circuits and how AM radios work, students are able to identify each circuit component they are soldering, as well as how their placement causes the radio to work. Besides reinforcing lesson concepts, students also learn how to solder, which is an activity that many engineers perform regularly giving students a chance to be able to engage in a real-life engineering activity.
The Acoustics of Speech and Hearing is an H-Level graduate course that …
The Acoustics of Speech and Hearing is an H-Level graduate course that reviews the physical processes involved in the production, propagation and reception of human speech. Particular attention is paid to how the acoustics and mechanics of the speech and auditory system define what sounds we are capable of producing and what sounds we can sense. Areas of discussion include:
the acoustic cues used in determining the direction of a sound source,
the acoustic and mechanical mechanisms involved in speech production and
the acoustic and mechanical mechanism used to transduce and analyze sounds in the ear.
The 16 lectures in this course cover the topics of adaptive antennas …
The 16 lectures in this course cover the topics of adaptive antennas and phased arrays. Both theory and experiments are covered in the lectures. Part one (lectures 1 to 7) covers adaptive antennas. Part two (lectures 8 to 16) covers phased arrays. Parts one and two can be studied independently (in either order). The intended audience for this course is primarily practicing engineers and students in electrical engineering. This course is presented by Dr. Alan J. Fenn, senior staff member at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Online Publication
Following a brief classroom discussion of relevant principles, each student in this …
Following a brief classroom discussion of relevant principles, each student in this course completes the paper design of several advanced circuits such as multiplexers, sample-and-holds, gain-controlled amplifiers, analog multipliers, digital-to-analog or analog-to-digital converters, and power amplifiers. One of each student’s designs is presented to the class, and one may be built and evaluated. Associated laboratory assignments emphasize the use of modern analog building blocks. This course is worth 12 Engineering Design Points.
This course will focus for a large part on MOSFET and CMOS, …
This course will focus for a large part on MOSFET and CMOS, but also on heterojunction BJT, and photonic devices.First non-ideal characteristics of MOSFETs will be discussed, like channel-length modulation and short-channel effects. We will also pay attention to threshold voltage modification by varying the dopant concentration. Further, MOS scaling will be discussed. A combination of an n-channel and p-channel MOSFET is used for CMOS devices that form the basis for current digital technology. The operation of a CMOS inverter will be explained. We will explain in more detail how the transfer characteristics relate to the CMOS design.
An introductory course in analog circuit synthesis for microelectronic designers. Topics include: …
An introductory course in analog circuit synthesis for microelectronic designers. Topics include: Review of analog design basics; linear and non-linear analog building blocks: harmonic oscillators, (static and dynamic) translinear circuits, wideband amplifiers, filters; physical layout for robust analog circuits; design of voltage sources ranging from simple voltage dividers to high-performance bandgaps, and current source implementations from a single resistor to high-quality references based on negative-feedback structures.
This course is a comprehensive introduction to control system synthesis in which …
This course is a comprehensive introduction to control system synthesis in which the digital computer plays a major role, reinforced with hands-on laboratory experience. The course covers elements of real-time computer architecture; input-output interfaces and data converters; analysis and synthesis of sampled-data control systems using classical and modern (state-space) methods; analysis of trade-offs in control algorithms for computation speed and quantization effects. Laboratory projects emphasize practical digital servo interfacing and implementation problems with timing, noise, and nonlinear devices.
6.374 examines the device and circuit level optimization of digital building blocks. …
6.374 examines the device and circuit level optimization of digital building blocks. Topics covered include: MOS device models including Deep Sub-Micron effects; circuit design styles for logic, arithmetic and sequential blocks; estimation and minimization of energy consumption; interconnect models and parasitics; device sizing and logical effort; timing issues (clock skew and jitter) and active clock distribution techniques; memory architectures, circuits (sense amplifiers) and devices; testing of integrated circuits. The course employs extensive use of circuit layout and SPICE in design projects and software labs.
This course develops the fundamentals of feedback control using linear transfer function …
This course develops the fundamentals of feedback control using linear transfer function system models. Topics covered include analysis in time and frequency domains; design in the s-plane (root locus) and in the frequency domain (loop shaping); describing functions for stability of certain non-linear systems; extension to state variable systems and multivariable control with observers; discrete and digital hybrid systems and use of z-plane design. Students will complete an extended design case study. Students taking the graduate version (2.140) will attend the recitation sessions and complete additional assignments.
This free electrical engineering/technology textbook provides a series of chapters covering electricity …
This free electrical engineering/technology textbook provides a series of chapters covering electricity and electronics. The information provided is great for students, makers, and professionals who are looking for an application-centric coverage of this field.
This course provides a phenomenological approach to superconductivity, with emphasis on superconducting …
This course provides a phenomenological approach to superconductivity, with emphasis on superconducting electronics. Topics include: electrodynamics of superconductors, London’s model, flux quantization, Josephson Junctions, superconducting quantum devices, equivalent circuits, high-speed superconducting electronics, and quantized circuits for quantum computing. The course also provides an overview of type II superconductors, critical magnetic fields, pinning, the critical state model, superconducting materials, and microscopic theory of superconductivity.
Students create four-legged walking robots and measure how far they travel across …
Students create four-legged walking robots and measure how far they travel across different types of surfaces. They design and create "shoes" to add to the robots' feet and observe the effect of their modifications on the net distance traveled across the various surface types. This activity illustrates how the specialized locomotive features of different species help them to survive or thrive in their habitat environments. The activity is best as an enrichment tool that follows a lesson that introduces the concept of biological adaptation to students.
9. Brave New World - AI/ML The trifecta of globalization, urbanization and …
9. Brave New World - AI/ML
The trifecta of globalization, urbanization and digitization have created new opportunities and challenges across our nation, cities, boroughs and urban centers. Cities are in a unique position at the center of commerce and technology becoming hubs for innovation and practical application of emerging technology. In this rapidly changing 24/7 digitized world, city governments worldwide are leveraging innovation and technology to become more effective, efficient, transparent and to be able to better plan for and anticipate the needs of its citizens, businesses and community organizations. This class will provide the framework for how cities and communities can become smarter and more accessible with technology and more connected.
6.345 introduces students to the rapidly developing field of automatic speech recognition. …
6.345 introduces students to the rapidly developing field of automatic speech recognition. Its content is divided into three parts. Part I deals with background material in the acoustic theory of speech production, acoustic-phonetics, and signal representation. Part II describes algorithmic aspects of speech recognition systems including pattern classification, search algorithms, stochastic modelling, and language modelling techniques. Part III compares and contrasts the various approaches to speech recognition, and describes advanced techniques used for acoustic-phonetic modelling, robust speech recognition, speaker adaptation, processing paralinguistic information, speech understanding, and multimodal processing.
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